Say 'Wow' with your station!
explore the options for station designs & artwork!
What should stations look like?
Stations should encourage or enhance the drinking water experience of all who use it, whether it branded for a sponsor or feature original artwork.
We love to see vibrant & interactive stations and we’ve found that exciting artwork make stations more memorable and easier to spot!
Exciting Artwork Options!
Station Hosts have (3) ways to bring vibrant artwork to their station:
Created by the Hydrate Caribbean team!
Open to schools & organizations*
Branded for a station's Full Sponsor
Our Templates
Our templates make it simple and cost effective for hosts. Our goal is to get stations launched, so nothing should stand in the way!
See them below!

Protect our environment
Filled with leaves from fruit trees in our nature isles, such as breadfruit, soursop and banana leaves, the Flora template reminds us to Reduce, Reuse and Refill, to protect our natural landscapes for all!
Perfectly suited for gardens, parks and beaches

Protect a precious resource
Dive into the pure taste of chilled water through this vibrant station!
Recommended for use in schools and institutions, parks, beaches etc.

A minimalist & simple design
Recommended for use in schools and institutions, beaches etc.
Using our templates
The Process
Your preferred theme design from our selection.
After signing up, hosts will be a sent a form to make this decision.
Text & Logo (Optional)
Be inspirational, be motivating!
Text will replace ‘Pure Drinking Water’
Your personalised design
As soon as sponsorship is reached it’s off to the printer!
Supplying your own Design
Hydration stations can be customized with the hosts own vision!
This option is open to schools and institutions only.
Schools can have fun with design contests or parks can have island wide contests to find the designs for their stations! The possibilities are endless!
Using your designs means you’ll create a truly unique product for your environment and community.
supplying your own design
The Process
Blank Template
You’ll be sent a blank template for your chosen station size.
Send us your finished artwork for review.
We will triple check your artwork to ensure it will print to perfection!
Design is sent to print and applied to your Hydrate Station!
Fully Branded Artwork
Hydration stations can be fully branded for sponsors – once they have committed to fully sponsor a station for 2 years or more!
The Process
Blank Template
After a Full Sponsor agreement is signed, we will send the sponsor a blank template for the host’s chosen station size.
They will share their finished artwork for with us for review.
We will share this artwork with the host for the final approval
It’s off to the printers! Design is sent to print and applied to your Hydrate Station!
let's get hydrated
Need more information?
Fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
"*" indicates required fields